2023 Orders
12-12-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen's order approving amendments to Division III of the Iowa Court Rules that the Office of Professional Regulation has proposed.
11-20-2023 – Chief Judge Huppert’s Administrative Order regarding reporting of non-testimonial hearings.
11-13-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen's order approving amendments to chapter 46 of the Iowa Court Rules, which add “certified verbatim reporter” to the definition of “certified shorthand reporter.”
09-29-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen's order adopting amendments to chapter 6 of the Iowa Court Rules, the Iowa Rules of Appellate Procedure. The amendments are based on the recommendations of the Iowa Rules of Appellate Procedure Review Task Force and are comprehensive. The amendments go into effect April 1, 2024. Amendments to rules 6.101 through 6.105, 6.601 through 6.603, and 6.907 are subject to a 60-day review by the Iowa Legislative Council consistent with the provisions of Iowa Code section 602.4202.
- Order adopting rules
- Full version of rules with implemented amendments
- Redlined version of revisions
- Summary of rule changes
09-12-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen’s order setting the mileage reimbursement for witnesses. Download it here.
09-07-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen’s order adopting Chapter 15 of the Iowa Court Rules, Iowa Rules of Remote Procedure. The new chapter 15 rules govern the use of remote proceedings in district court. The new rules take effect January 1, 2024.
08-22-2023 – Chief Justice Susan Christensen’s order adopting modifications to Iowa Rule of Criminal Procedure 2.15(1), regarding witness testimony subpoenas for hearings, depositions, and trials in criminal proceedings. Included with the order are instructions for filers regarding how to electronically submit witness testimony subpoenas to clerks of court. The revised rule is effective October 23, 2023, subject to Legislative Council review consistent with the provisions of Iowa Code section 602.4202.
07-27-2023 – Chief Justice Susan Christensen's order adopting Rule 22.41 relating to the establishment and procedures of treatment courts.
07-21-2023 – On July 13, 2023, the Iowa Supreme Court issued an order in the matter of the private retention of court reporters in civil cases that incorrectly referred to a "November 10, 2010 order" and a "May 1, 2013 order." The correct references are "November 24, 2010 order" and "May 1, 2023 order." Access the corrected order here
07-21-2023 – The Mediation Compliance Form has been streamlined and includes the information contained within the Supreme Court's most recent version. Get the form here.
07-11-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen's order approving amendments to various chapters of the Iowa Court Rules in Division III, Professional Regulation.
07-10-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen has signed an order requesting public comment on proposed Iowa Rules of Remote Proceedings from the Remote Proceedings Task Force. The deadline for submitting public comments is 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, August 3, 2023.
- Request for Public Comment on Proposed Iowa Rules of Remote Proceedings
- Report of Work Group of RPTF
- Proposed Rules of Remote Proceedings
07-07-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen has signed an order amending Iowa Court Rules 31.6 concerning deferral of bar exam fees and 31.12(2) concerning applications for admission without examination.
- Order Re. Amendments to Iowa Court Rules 31.6 and 31.12
- Amendments to Iowa Court Rules 31.6 and 31.12
07-03-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen has signed an order rescinding the supreme court's December 6, 2021 supervisory order—and two subsequent amendments—relating to certain provisions relating to the Coronavirus/COVID-19 impact on court services.
05-31-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen's order adopting amendments to the revised Chapter 2 Iowa Rules of Criminal Procedure. The effective date of the October 14, 2022, submitted rules and November 7, 2022, revisions remains July 1, 2023. The rule amendments and form provided with today’s order are temporarily adopted effective July 1, 2023, and will take permanent effect subject to Legislative Council review consistent with the provisions of Iowa Code section 602.4202. The July 1, 2023, effective date includes criminal cases filed after that date and criminal cases already pending on that date; however, judicial districts or individual district judges may, in the exercise of their discretion, exempt any case that was pending before July 1, 2023, from one or more of the revised rules.
03-31-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen's order requesting public comment on proposed amendments to Chapter 6, Iowa Rules of Appellate Procedure. The deadline for submitting comments is 4:30 p.m. on Thursday, June 29.
03-16-2023 – Chief Justice Christensen’s order adopting amendments to Iowa Court Rule 17.100 and the forms for Dissolution of Marriage with no Minor or Dependent Adult Children. Get the updated fillable forms on the Iowa Judicial Branch website.