Law Day 2025: Out of Many, One (E Pluribus Unum)
The 2025 Law Day theme urges us to take pride in a Constitution that bridges our differences to bring us together as a united nation. Our civic lives tie us together as one "We," whether through legislative efforts that serve the common good, through military service, or by working together, every day, to fulfill the promise of E pluribus unum, or "Out of many, one."
Submission deadline: March 13, 2025 - Law Day Celebration: May 1, 2025
Rules and Submissions - Grades K - 5 Rules and Submissions - Grades 6 -12
What is Law Day?
The Polk County Bar Association gives Polk County area students a chance to get creative with the law as part of our annual Law Day celebration. Students in grades K through 12 are invited to compete in various categories - including visual arts, music, essay and poetry categories - to showcase their talents, learn about the law, and win prizes! The Law Day celebration and recognition event will be held at the Iowa Supreme Court on May 1, 2025.
Law Day has been celebrated on or around May 1 since 1958 when President Dwight Eisenhower signed the proclamation declaring it a day to celebrate and strengthen the American heritage of liberty, justice, and equality under the law.
Why participate?
- Students learn about the law and the role they play in society
- Curriculum opportunities for teachers - invite attorneys to speak to your class
- Opportunities for students to meet judges and attorneys
- Prizes for winning student submissions
- Recognition for teachers for most participation
Sponsor a Winning Student - Gold Level
Sponsor a Winning Student - Silver Level
Sponsor a Winning Student - Bronze Level