September 28, 2023, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (US Central)
Carol Phillips ( )
ISBA Conference Center, 625 E. Court Ave., Des Moines
WHAT: Solo Practice & Small Firm Committee Meeting and CLE
WHEN: Thursday, September 28, from noon to 1 p.m.
WHERE: ISBA Conference Center, 625 East Court Ave., Des Moines. Lunch is included. Please email if you have any special dietary needs.
TOPIC AND PRESENTER: The Honorable Katie Ranes, Associate Probate Judge, Iowa District 5C will present on "Things attorneys should know about practicing in Probate Court."
RSVP: Register here
This meeting was approved for 45 minutes of Iowa CLE credit. Activity Number 397197.
Categories: PCBA CLE