March 12, 2024, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (US Central)
Carol Phillips ( )
In person at the ISBA CLE Center, 625 E. Court Ave., Des Moines
WHAT: PCBA Monthly Luncheon
WHEN: Tuesday, March 12, 2024 from noon to 1 p.m.
WHERE: ISBA Conference Center, 625 East Court Ave., Des Moines.
TOPIC AND SPEAKERS: Polk County Attorney Kimberly Graham
COST: $25 per person to attend in person, free to view by Zoom.
MENU: Penne alfredo with chicken + penne alfredo with broccoli, served with garlic focaccia, cranberry walnut salad and a dessert.
RSVP: Click here to attend in person Click here to watch via Zoom
Luncheon tickets (in person) reserved in advance must be paid for unless canceled before noon on Friday prior to the event.