February 11, 2025, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (US Central)
Austin Westermann ( awestermann@pcbaonline.org )
Embassy Club, 7th & Grand Ave, 34th floor, in Des Moines
WHAT: PCBA Bench & Bar Luncheon
WHEN: Tuesday, February 11, 2025 from noon to 1 p.m.
WHERE: Embassy Club, 7th & Grand Ave, 34th floor, in Des Moines
TOPIC AND SPEAKERS: Chief Judge Mary Tabor, Iowa Court of Appeals - 'You Don't Look a Day Over 49' Iowa Court of Appeals Approaches the Half Century Mark - New Judges, New Rules, Same Mission
COST: $35 per person. The menu for this luncheon will be announced at a date closer to the event.
RSVP: Click Here to Register to Attend
Luncheon tickets reserved in advance must be paid for, unless canceled before noon on Friday prior to the event.