Polk County Bar Association
P: (515) 243-3904
P: (515) 243-3904

February 13, 2025, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM (US Central)

—  Registration for this event has been closed.
Austin Westermann ( awestermann@pcbaonline.org )
Polk County Justice Center - Courtroom 110 - 222 5th Avenue, Des Moines

WHAT: Bench & Bar Committee Presents: Magistrates in Polk County - A Panel Discussion 

Judge Ranes, Polk County, was appointed District Associate Judge in 2022. She earned her undergraduate degree from Roanoke College in Salem, Virginia, and her law degree from Drake University Law School in 2007. Prior to her appointment to the bench, Judge Ranes was a Magistrate Judge in Polk County and worked in private practice.

Magistrate Heather Dickinson was appointed to serve Polk County on August 1, 2005. She graduated from Mount Holyoke College with a BA in Economics. She received a law degree from Drake University and an LLM from the London School of Economics. Before her appointment she served as bank counsel and compliance officer, Assistant Polk County Attorney, and was in private practice.

Magistrate Justin John Gross was appointed to serve Polk County in 2024. He earned his undergraduate degree from University of Northern Iowa in 2000 and his law degree from Drake University Law School in 2008. Magistrate Gross is in private practice (Community Lawyers of Iowa) in Des Moines, Iowa.  He is a member of the American Immigration Lawyers Association, Iowa State Bar Association, Polk County Bar Association, and C. Edwin Moore, Inn of Court.

Magistrate Beth Tigges was appointed to serve Polk County in October, 2013. She received her bachelor's degree in English from Iowa State University and her law degree from Drake University School of Law in 2008. She was previously employed as a public defender in Story County and Polk County prior to her appointment.

WHEN: Thursday, February 13, from noon to 1 p.m.

WHERE: Polk County Justice Center - Courtroom 110 - 222 5th Avenue, Des Moines

RSVP: Click here to attend in person      Click here to register to attend by Zoom

CLE: Approved for 60 minutes of CLE credit:

  • In person Activity Number: 421834

  • Zoom Activity Number: 421835


Categories:   PCBA CLE

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